Jan 31, 2012

Rihanna buys a portrait of Marilyn Monroe with 65,000 Swarovski crystals

The artist Claire Milner, commissioned by the singer Rihanna, has created a large portrait of Marilyn Monroe with Swarovski crystals, which changes color depending on the degree of light.

The work has a square shape with sides of 1.5 meters and boasts the presence of 65,000 Swarovski crystals, all hand set by the talented artist.

The portrait has cost well 4 months of work to Claire Milner and will be hung in the Rihanna mansion in Los Angeles. It has not yet been revealed how all this cost to the star, but from the numbers listed above it can be mind-boggling to imagine.

Rihanna said that Marilyn has always been his idol, and that's why his figure must be placed prominently in his house.