Mar 11, 2012

BMW will manufacture cars with front-drive

BMW has always been a brand true to its principles but the market demand. The intent is to leverage the platform Mini to maximize return on investment.

BMW will manufacture cars with front-drive

Traditions are something good, if not let us blind to reality.
Norbert Reithofe, president of BMW has announced that they intend to make front-drive vehicles in its category of access. The future model will be placed just below the BMW 1 Series, along with the Mini.

The reasons are clear: profitable platforms and compete in fair fight with premium vehicles as the future Audi A1 just presented.

But the scare did not stop there, BMW is considering also that the 1 Series evolves to a front wheel drive, although this is only a hypothesis. Also, being built on a platform designed to drive a vehicle, is easy to implement ALSO n with rear-or integral.

It may seem a scandal and more than one pull your hair out, but all brands are "being sold" to reality. Porsche builds SUVs, sedans and assembles diesel engines Ferrari hybrid designs, Jaguar Diesel builds affordable cars and front wheel drive, super luxury brands reused utility controls ... now I can think of more.

The market demand today the price of BMW is cheaper than 24,000 € (BMW 116 i 122cv completely "open"). To access a Mini we will pay at least € 15,000 (MINI One Minimalism Line 75 hp).

For how we leave this BMW "bastard" front wheel drive? Will a car hood shield worth?