Jul 24, 2012

Pores on the face: effective products to refine

The pores are really a bad appearance to skin that may otherwise very healthy, and it is a skin condition that is not easy to control. It is also a widespread problem in many people seeking effective products for pores, allowing close and restore the skin a smooth appearance.

The pores and acne are more common in oily skin, as it is the accumulation of sebum and dead cells which causes it to expand. But they are not unique to this type, but may occur in normal or dry skin.

Other causes such as snuff, age, lack of hygiene of the skin, and of course, oily skin and tendency to acne, large pores trigger. In the latter case, the pore is opened to form a cap with sebum and dead cells, which is known as a comedone, often leading to blackheads.

The fundamental strategy to close the pores is peeling, and to remove the surface layers of the dermis, with the largest number of dead cells and dirt, it is what helps to refine pores. In this sense, homemade recipes are worth as commercial products, anything that helps to remove dead cells, excess oil and traces of makeup and dirt that clogs the pores, is on the right track.

To exfoliate the skin, you may make use of two paths: gravel creams or mechanical exfoliation - often achieved at home using grains of sugar or oatmeal - acid exfoliation and a controlled burning the top layers of skin, using lemon for the more healthy food products or cosmetics laboratory.

The retinoic acid or retinol, is the star among the latter products, the frequent use of a cream or serum with this compound causes the skin gets progressively cleaning, but does not replace but complements the cleansing morning and night with other products to such thin. The beauty of retinol that stimulates cell renewal from the inside out, resulting in firmer and stronger, healthier, newer. All this is in the closed pores.

Other alternatives are creams and serums with glycolic acid or with salicylic acid, otrso components contributing to exfoliate the skin, but from outside to inside. In both cases, the good thing is that these products act at the same time from the effects of aging, including fine lines and spots, solving more than one problem. Apply at night and during the day must use a sunscreen to prevent skin staining, because it raises awareness. Sometimes, they produce some burning when applying.

There are also specific cosmetic products which are reducing pores, often have various compositions, including some similar effects to acid or glycolic, salicylic an astringent which prevents the excessive sebum secretion, and other decongestants, antiseptics and refine the texture of skin.

Natural clay masks, applied at home or in beauty cabinet, are excellent to deal with this problem.

The latest in pores is the use of Botox. The famous botulinum toxin in small doses seems to have been very effective since it does reduce sebum production and cripple the pore, leaving it closed.

The options are many, a matter of finding what works best for everyone.