Jan 11, 2013

This is the Audi R8 Gifts In Dubai

This news is really absurd, as well as generous, comes to us from the prestigious real estate agency  Damac Properties, during the event Dubai Shopping Festival it has decided to launch an unparalleled campaign.

This is the Audi R8 Gifts, which will allow customers the real estate, or those who want to diventarci buying a property and moving to Dubai, to receive as a gift a brand new Audi R8 in the coming 2014, complete with a staple gift and fees paid for the entire year.

In short, a real sort of digestive for those who choose to buy a penthouse, a normal property or even a Penthouse Suite at Burjside Boulevard, and took out a check or adhering to mortgage applications offered by the same agency.

There is to be specified, however, that Dubai is not the first time you hear about offers like this, also because, buy a house in the so-called City of Gold, is not very easy considering the amounts requested and those who do, it also seems fair that will be rewarded with substantial gifts, as in this case an extreme sports car worth over 100 thousand euro.