Feb 12, 2012

Chan: the most beautiful and award-winning restaurant in the world

What is the most beautiful restaurant in the world? Well, the rumors about it are very scattered, as well as unclear information. Many Internet users, in fact, confuse the most beautiful and award-winning restaurant with the best, but in reality is not so, it all depends on your taste.

It is the second time, in fact, that the restaurant Chan, located in the hotel "The Met" in Thessaloniki, was awarded the Resturant & Bar Design Awards.

This prestigious title, awarded this year once again the Australian luxury furniture designed by architect Andy Martin in collaboration with designer Mark Farrow and the technical study L + DG.

The restaurant Chan, is nothing but a huge "box" of aluminum that includes within it ideas from all over the world, the luxurious environment, with its notes, recalls the popular pan-Asian cuisine offered by local operators.

The walls are decorated with bamboo, on which designs are applied against the Asian readable, illuminating the room there are huge panels with LED lights, which give a touch of fresh modernity at all because of their imagination.

After having mentioned some details of this spectacular restaurant, here are some photos that show it in all its glory: