Feb 15, 2012

Swarovski for Madonna: precious crystals for the Queen of Pop

For the video for her latest single, the beautiful Madonna, considered the Queen of Pop, has chosen the most famous fashion houses in the world of crystals, Swarovski.

And so, in her clip ‘Give Me All Your Lovin’, the star wore the necklace Montaigne Swarovski, which is part of the last Spring/Summer 2012.

To give an opportunity to all its customers and fans to participate in this remarkable collaboration, Swarovski has thus decided to win its customers this striking necklace, complete with a photograph autographed by Madonna, through a competition that will close February 19. To enter the contest just go here and review the regulation.

We recall that the new Madonna single was produced in collaboration with singer Nicki Minaj, the video is already available on YouTube at this address.